Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Brief Blog: Register, Comment, for AMA CPT Meeting, San Jose, Feb 6-8, 2025

AMA has open registration (virtual or in person) for its upcoming CPT meeting, February 6-8, 2025.  The meeting will be in San Jose, CA.

While the special deadline for pathology test comments has passed, back on November 22, the comment period for other codes is open until January 7, 2025.

Review the agenda and access the registration info at the AMA webpage for the meeting:



(The several proposed lab tests are at agenda items 20-25).

(Codes for epigenetic methylation (22) and lymph node metastases (25) are on deck.)

(A revision is proposed for a number of scattered codes that all represent "ultrasensitive immunoassays;" agenda 21).

(Upstream from pathology, 11 codes for prostate biopsy services are being revised; agenda 16.)