Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Linked In: Xander van Wijk, See a Range of FDA LDT Resources

I don't believe I've met Xander van Wijk, a Houston-based regulatory consultant.  His Linked-In postings include some great resources on the FDA LDT issue.

23 Slide Deck on FDA LDT

Earlier this summer, he posted an excellent (right-sized) 23-slide deck on the FDA LDT final rule.  It's a good balance of digestible size and yet incorporated many great-to-know details.  Read all the way through to Slide 23 for an excellent table of all the requiresments x all the numerous test categories.

Webinars What's Up

See also a new post by van Wijk that summarizes some very recent activiies (like the FDA August 22 webinar) and also, provides a guide to upcoming webinars in the field.

At this latter link, you can get to... 

  1. A CAP webinar on the FDA LDT rule on September 18.
  2. An FDA webinar on LDT labeling requirements on September 24.
  3. An ADLM webinar on "Complying with FDA" on September 25.

The FDA webinar doesn't require pre-reg and the FDA fully archives its webinars and decks on the LDT subject.