Monday, July 29, 2024

Journal Club: McKinsey White Paper on MCED and LBX

Header: McKinsey has a new, 9 page white paper on cancer early screening and liquid biopsy.  At the home page, they have a very brief overview:

Register to download the PDF.   


Here's an AI summary of it.


  • See also an article by Robbins published July 20, 2024, at NEJM.  "MCED - Keeping a High Bar for Evidence of Benefit."  Here.

AI Corner

Chat GPT summarizes McKinsey.

The new white paper titled "Liquid Biopsy: Charting Innovation in Early Cancer Screening" from McKinsey & Company explores the transformative potential of liquid biopsy (LBx) in oncology diagnostics. The document provides an in-depth analysis of LBx technology, which involves sampling and analyzing biological fluids such as blood to detect cancer cells or tumor-derived DNA, RNA, and other molecules.

Key Highlights:

  1. Technology and Market Growth: LBx offers a less invasive alternative to traditional tissue biopsies, providing faster turnaround and better capturing of tumor heterogeneity. The global LBx market, valued at over $4 billion in 2022, is expected to grow by 16% annually from 2020 to 2030.

  2. Use Cases: LBx has applications in early cancer screening, therapy selection, and monitoring during and after treatment. While it is well-established for therapy selection and monitoring, its use in early cancer screening is still emerging but holds significant potential.

  3. Challenges and Opportunities:

    • Technological Maturity and Clinical Evidence: LBx technology has matured, with increasing evidence supporting its clinical utility. Multi-cancer early-detection (MCED) tests like Grail’s Galleri have demonstrated the ability to detect multiple cancer types with high accuracy.
    • Physician Acceptance and Affordability: Challenges remain in gaining physician acceptance and making LBx tests affordable and accessible. The high costs and limited reimbursement pose significant barriers.
  4. Four Strategies for Adoption: The paper suggests several strategies to overcome these challenges, including (1) forming partnerships for guideline inclusion, (2) engaging with physicians through data, (3) exploring innovative payment models, and )4_ leveraging direct-to-consumer channels. McKinsey also emphasizes the importance of strategic mergers and acquisitions to gain scale and enhance market penetration.

  5. Impact and Future Directions: The report projects that with the right strategies and collaborations, LBx could become a pivotal tool in early cancer detection, significantly improving patient outcomes and survival rates.

Implications for Genomics and Commercialization: For experts in genomics and commercialization, this white paper offers valuable insights into the current state and future potential of LBx. It underscores the need for continuous technological advancements, evidence generation, and stakeholder engagement to drive broader adoption. The discussion of market dynamics, regulatory challenges, and innovative business models provides a comprehensive overview for those interested in the commercialization of novel diagnostic technologies.

This summary can serve as a basis for further exploration of specific topics relevant to your readers, such as the integration of multiomics approaches in LBx and the impact of new reimbursement models on the adoption of advanced diagnostic tools.

Can you provide more color about the "four channels" that might be creatively leveraged?

The white paper outlines four creative channels that diagnostics companies might leverage to overcome the challenges associated with the adoption and commercialization of advanced liquid biopsy (LBx) technologies:

  1. Partnerships with Employer Groups and Benefit Platforms: Diagnostics companies can partner with employer groups and digital healthcare platforms to provide tests as part of employee health benefits. For example, Grail partnered with Carrum Health to offer the Galleri test to employees through employer health plans. This channel helps in reaching a large number of potential patients efficiently and may include a broader range of tests within employee health packages​​.

  2. Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Channels: The increased consumer awareness of diagnostic testing due to the COVID-19 pandemic has created an opportunity for DTC marketing of LBx tests. Companies like Labcorp have launched DTC digital health platforms, such as Labcorp OnDemand, to offer wellness tests directly to consumers. In China, New Horizon Health offers screening test packages online at different price points for premium customers. This approach can serve as a separate revenue stream while regulatory and reimbursement barriers are being addressed​​.

  3. Collaborations with Biopharma Companies: LBx companies can partner with biopharma companies to leverage their expertise and data for drug discovery and patient stratification. Such collaborations can provide LBx companies with long-term genetic data across multiple patient populations, helping to build real-world evidence linking cancer screening with early-stage treatment and demonstrating survival benefits. For instance, Grail has collaborated with AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson has partnered with Optellum for lung cancer diagnostics​​.

  4. Strategic Mergers and Acquisitions: To gain scale and enhance market penetration, diagnostics companies may explore mergers and acquisitions. Recent examples include Thermo Fisher Scientific's acquisition of Olink and Standard BioTools' merger with SomaLogic. These strategic moves can provide the necessary resources for generating clinical evidence, supporting consumer and physician education, and achieving payer adoption​​.

While these channels offer potential avenues for increasing the adoption of LBx, the success of DTC strategies, in particular, remains uncertain, especially given the high costs and complexity of advanced genomic tests compared to lower-cost consumer genetic tests like 23andMe​.