Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Brief Blog: Auto Transcript of CMS Annual Lab Meeting (June 25, 2024)

Update.   Below I provided a same day, "synced" transcript (in 4 parts) and video (in 4 parts).

CMS has later also posted the official CMS video:

CLFS Annual Public Meeting Recording

It has higher quality than mine, though mine is manageble.  It provides two film parts, 5 h and  1 h, and a button to toggle between them.


On June 25, 2024, CMS held its annual lab meeting for public comment on pricing of new lab tests.  There were almost 60 presentations from 9 am to 430 pm ET.

It's difficult for an auto-transcript to master this complex audio material, but for all its typos, the 97-page auto-transcript provides an imperfect though skimmable record.   Time-stamps in each of 4 transcript sections will match fairly closely to timepoints within four video uploads I made of the meeting.   

  • For example, 
    • If you skim the agenda of the PDF and want #34, Natera, 
    • search the transcript for "Natera" (it will be page 56 of the PDF), 
    • and it corresponds to about "minute 39" in "Video 3."

VIDEO ONE - #1 MelMont to #18 OncoHost

VIDEO TWO - #18 OncoHost (cont) to #28 CytoVale [lunch]

VIDEO THREE - #29 C2N DX to #44 Exact Sci

VIDEO FOUR - #45 Phenomics to #56 Wash Univ

Find the  table of contents and auto transcript at Google Drive here, with links to YouTube for each part.
