Wednesday, November 1, 2023

It's Crazy But It's True: Novitas Oncology Public Meeting Vanishes from Website

This past summer, the Novitas MAC had a stormy battle with lab stakeholders over a newly restrictive LCD for oncology biomarkers. 

One feature was an August 11, 2023 public meeting, with 21 speakers.  By October 6, Novitas had posted a transript on its public LCD meetings page (running back a year or more), for August 11.   I wrote a detailed blog on the 43 page transcript, including, plugging each speaker's speech into ChatGPT for a 50 word summary.  Find my October 6 blog here:

The Row Vanishes

Today, November 1, someone has pointed out to me the row (in the calendar meetings table) for the August Oncology Public Meeting has just vanished.  As you can see, there's no meeting between June 2023 and October 2023.  It could be a temporary typo - or else??   Puzzling.

I went back to my own October 6 blog (link above) and added my cloud copy of the 43 page transcript to it.


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