Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Large Health System Sues Anthem; Lawsuit PDF Provided

According to a colorful article in MedCityNews here, Bon Secours Mercy Health Virginia (BSMH Virginia) has filed a lawsuit against Anthem Health Plans of Virginia for over $93 million in unpaid and underpaid health claims. 

BSMH Virginia alleges that Anthem engages in delaying and denying payment tactics, impacting patient care. Anthem claims BSMH is using the lawsuit to distract from leaving Anthem's provider network.

MedCity provides a PDF of a 25 page legal filing with more colorful details.  Here.


AI Corner.  

ChatGPT provides Haiku Summaries:

Unpaid claims in court,
Anthem and BSMH clash,
Healthcare payments strained.

Lawsuit's bitter fight,
Anthem's tactics under fire,
Patients caught between.

Money owed, care stalled,
Legal clash of health titans,
Healing at a cost.