Friday, April 8, 2022

Bruce Quinn: My Paper "CMS and Innovation" (Inside Precision Medicine)

Medicare Policy: How it Can Boost or Block Innovation

Bruce Quinn MD PhD, Inside Precision Medicine, April 2022

In the past two years, we've witnessed a procession of policies, retracted policies, and meetings, about Medicare and Innovation.   What is the role of Breakthrough designations?   How can obstructive policies be relieved?  Where are the biggest pain points, really?

I've written a three-page article about all of this, bringing together policy, procedures, and the drive for important innovations.   It appears in the April issue of INSIDE PRECISION MEDICINE (formerly, CLINICAL OMICS).

It appears in the April issue at this link (email registration):

Right now, I've put a cloud link direct to my three page article, here:

Or - see a 5-minute video that summarizes the article: