Friday, August 6, 2021

Novitas MAC Wins Jurisdiction "L" Renewal

In July 2021, CMS announced it had renewed the competitive contract for the Novitas MAC to manage Jurisdiction L.   Jurisdiction L includes Delaware, DC, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.  

The CMS web page with some additional links is here:

While the Novitas  MAC proposal is not public, the final award in total is $669M.  Contracts are for 7 years and JL is 11% of US Medicare.   The prior award of the same geography to Novitas was in September 2012.

You can access the September 2020 website where CMS posted all the work requirements and tasks for managing Jurisdiction L - here.   It's these documents that Novitas responded to, to win the award.  SOW etc are posted at SAM, the System for Award Management.  

The JL fact sheet is here:


THe prior MAC win was Noridian, winning to continue Jurisdiction E, back in December 2020.  Here, here.