Find the webpage here. On the webpage, note that each of the six hours has a pop-up that opens its own webpage and detailed description.
High level topics are:
- Keynote: PM at the Inflection Point: Damon Hostin, Precision Medicine Alliance
- Preparing for the Journey: Tools of the Trailblazers
- Data Interoperability and Sharing
- Steps to the Summit (Panel with Aetna, Quest, Syapse)
- Ethics in PM
- Closing Keynote: Steven Kalkanis, Henry Ford
The day runs 8 am to 430 pm.
What is Precision Medicine Alliance? Well, there's an entity with that named based in Berlin, here (located just north of Mitte between Rosenthalerplatz and Bernauerstrasse).
Umm, but in THIS context, with Damon Hostin speaking, Precision Medicine Alliance represents an alliance between the 150 hospitals of two health systems, being SF-based Dignity Health and Colorado-based Catholic Health, see here.